
Students should report all accidents to instructor.


For Burns:

Firtst-degree thermal burns (red skin) are best treated by application of cold water, preferably with ice.

Large-area first-degree burns and any second-third-degree burns (blisters charring) require the examination by health sevices.


For Cuts

Stop bleeding by compression and/or use pressure points. All cuts should be examined by colleage health service personnel to determine severity of cut.


For Chemicals in the Eye:

Get immediate help. If a chemical gets in your eyes, you must get to the eyewash station as quickly as you can. A crucial point about eye washing is that the irrigation should begin at the earliest possible moment after the accident because the first seconds are the most important. In some cases, no amount of washing can save your eyes if you delay even a little. Irrigate the eyes a minimum of 15 minutes for acids and most other chemicals, and at least 30 minutes for bases. Do not use neutralizes in the eyes.

Remember, leave contact lenses at home. However, if you do get in your eyes while wearing contacts, remove them as quickly as possible and irrigate your eyes. Soft lenses are especially dangerous because they can absorb and retain many organic chemicals.


If clothing or Hair Catches on Fire:

Do not run because running will make the fire burn faster. Try not to breathe the combustion vapors. Call for a fire blanket and on the meantime, roll on the floor.

STOP-DROP AND ROLL. If the safety shower is near, use it.

In all cases, notify the instructor and others around you at the first sign of fire to allow them th get out of the way or to assist you. You will want to know the exact locations of the safety shower. fire blanket, and extinguishers. You should also be familiar with evacuation plans in case of a serious fire or accident.